
Friday, February 14, 2020

My Amazing Portrait

Hello Bloggers!

It's that time of year where teachers make us draw a portrait! I am terrible at drawing but maybe because this year it is more abstract it won't be so bad.

It's also about my interests, my culture so that people can learn a bit about me.
Here it is...
If you look in the right and left corner you can see I like to draw a lot in my own time and playing video games.
The bottom two you can see I like to eat pizza and play rugby!

I coloured my hair to look like the South Africa flag because I am African.

Maybe you could try and draw your own portrait. What are your interests? 

Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Damian, it's Damien H. I really enjoyed reading you post as the art is amazing. Have you thought about putting a picture of you dog or cat. Would you ever make another piece of art. See ya


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